Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Future of Social Media and How It Will Define YOU

We know it has been some time since our last blog post...but we care about our customers and found this topic to be one we thought needed attention. Read our thoughts and then do some research on your own.  

 Most know to be aware of predators on social media. It is incessantly drilled into us that once something is put out onto the Internet, it cannot be expunged.  But are we ever cautioned that what we like or pin can be used in an algorithm to create an indication of what is in our soul? Are we warned that not only are our internal thoughts “out there”, but they can be morphed into something new and hazardous? Well, that is where the future of the World Wide Web is spiraling. Social media will be used as a sort of psychological test. The sum of your online clicks will soon become seen as the sum of your being. Who you choose to follow will become an indication of who you aspire to be. Inferences will be drawn by seemingly menial details like whether or not you follow specific people on Instagram. Social media tracking will not simply be a background check to see if your Facebook page is appropriate; it will be used to determine your personality and overall character. It may also regulate the decision of a job offering. Further, our ownership of our texts is a falsification. Most know that cell phone carriers keep our texts, but lack the knowledge that soon other users will have this same power. Once sent from one screen to that of another’s, we lose possession of our thoughts and ideas and they become susceptible to manipulation. It is more than just a screenshot; it is the power of altering your original words. Text messaging and all facets of social media are becoming increasingly crucial to livelihood and we have minimal control. It is no longer simply a battle concerning online lying and lurking predators. Our personal Internet footprints (or rather “cookies”) can haunt us. The current platforms for expression and interaction are the zone for a plethora of data collection and Internet screening. So, next time you pin, follow, like, retweet, revine, share, or click….think again. It may soon become a part of you. 

 {Google: Mark Cuban and the future of Internet profiling apps for more information on this pressing topic}

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What is an aesthetician?

I would first like to take a moment to honor my Father, for today would have been his birthday. His insight and wisdom is what taught me that I couldn’t dream too big or make it to the stars.  I will start with basic questions for the curious and beginners to aesthetics and skin care. What is an aesthetician? An aesthetician is a professional that specializes in the study, care and treatment of the skin. The aesthetician must graduate from a state licensed program and has passed both written and practical examinations administered by the State Board in order to receive their license. Aestheticians also take many post- graduate continuing education classes to stay up to date with the latest developments of skin care treatments and the quickly changing industry. What are the benefits of having professional esthetic treatments? With a consultation and detailed analysis of your skin type, you will be receive treatment for and educated on a personally tailored program to make noticeable improvements in your current skin condition. You will then be advised which home care products would be the easiest and most beneficial to maintain your improved skin condition. You will see the best results in conjunction with regularly scheduled facial treatments. The improvements that your skin may experience can be any of the following: texture/firmness, moisture, pigmentation, clarity, decreased redness/sensitivity, and decreased visible aging of your skin for years to come. You will receive the knowledge you need to keep your skin looking and feeling fabulous. All skin will continue to change over your lifetime and an aesthetician will help guide you and prepare you for what to expect. I welcome questions and request any feedback to be without vulgarity and to be kept to the pertaining subject. I hope to help reflect a beautiful you!

 In the next blog, I will cover the different types of treatments, what to expect during a facial and how often to have the treatment services.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Skin Care and Onions

Welcome to my first blog. If I help just one person then it was well worthwhile. I do not claim to have all the answers, nor should a Doctor for that matter. The skincare and make up industry is changing at such a rapid rate that it is even hard for a seasoned professional to keep up. The industry is so much like an onion. There are many people who love make up and skin care, then there are those who tolerate it but simply use it at the basic level, lastly there are those who do not care for it at all. I will do my best to weed through myths, give facts and give you great places to find second opinions. Afterall, look around you will find many opinions. Here's to the start of reflecting a beautiful you.